Frequently Asked Questions

Need more information? Feel free to Contact Us
How much does it cost to become a member of The Foundry Arts Space?
$30 annual membership, ($25 concession)
How do I become a member of The Foundry Arts Space?
Fill out the form on the website, call in to the foundry and fill out a form or
call Andrea on 0475 448 452
What are the benefits of becoming a member of The Foundry Arts Space?
Membership allows you to participate in at least one “member’s only” exhibition per year with no hiring fee charge. One of these exhibitions consists of the popular Summer Salon which runs for 2 months during Dec. & Jan. There are members’ only events including artist talks, pre-exhibition viewings and the satisfaction knowing you are helping to raise the profile of the arts in our region.
You also receive our regular newsletter and a members discount for workshops
How do I apply to exhibit at The Foundry?
Fill out an Expression of Interest form; these are available on the website. Expressions close September each year for the following calendar year.
Can I hold a joint exhibition with another artist?
Yes, you certainly can. We also offer hiring of half the gallery space for smaller exhibitions.
What do volunteers do?
Volunteers form an important part of our organisation and do a wide variety of things depending on their interests. You could be greeting visitors to the gallery, catering for exhibition openings, cleaning/maintaining the gallery spaces, designing flyers and newsletters, helping with exhibition curation and hanging, getting involved with media and marketing or sitting on our Committee of Management.
The majority of our volunteers manage the gallery for a designated number of hours per day (3 or 4 hour sessions depending on the time of the year). We value any time you can afford whether it be one session a month or 3 sessions a week. We provide full training and can pair you with another volunteer if you’re a bit unsure.
Who do I contact to volunteer at  The Foundry Arts Space?
Phone admin (Andrea) on 0475 448 452 or email thefoundry@emai.org.au
When is the next art prize?
The art prize is a biennial event, it will be next held in 2024
Contact Us
Regional Arts Victoria
South West Arts
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